GameSwap Powered By Bodhana Group!
We are proud to be partnering with The Bodhana Group this year to feature GameSwap! They are a fabulous team of professionals sharing their love of gaming through therapeutic means, that promote inclusivity and all around awesomeness! If you are attending S'mores & Meeples weekend, be sure to bring a few games and trade up into a "new-to-you" game. The Bodhana Group will be offering a table of games from their extensive library for swapping. At the end of the swap, any trades will be returned to them for use at their various events and conventions throughout the year. In fact, SAVE AGAINST FEAR is coming up shortly after S'mores & Meeples so be sure to check them out!
You'll be able to trade in up to three games for a game of equal/fair market value.
All trades must be in good condition with no missing parts.
You cannot trade in a title that already exists twice on the table.
The event is part of S'mores & Meeples weekend, so you must be registered to participate.
You may simply donate to the table if you wish, for others to get as swaps, which ultimately leads to more going back to Bodhana! Trading starts at 10AM on Saturday - First come, first serve. See you there!